hanya hati yang kau sentuh
kubiarkan perasaan ini
karena aku tak ingin kehilanganmu
walau kau entah dimana....
hadirmu tak terlihat
walau ada senyum kurasa
walau ada sedih kurasa
walau ada cemburu kurasa
aku rindu padamu
hadirmu tak terlihat
kau ada dihati
kau ada dihati
kadang ku menahan tangis
karena aku tak dapat berbuat apa-apa
aku rindu
tapi aku tak tahu kau dimana
ku ingin bertemu,.... sanggupkah????
biarkan perasaan ini
mengisi relung hidupku
kusanggupkan membawanya kemana saja
karena mungkin memang perasaan inilah yang harus kumiliku
kerana kurasa indah,.......
aku tahu kaupun begitu
walau tak tahu bagaimana
menangis lagi,....
dimana rahasia itu?
kan kucari sebelum salah melangkah
ku tahu kau akan ikut bersamaku
andai aku tahu rahasia itu..........
menangis lagi
menangis lagi
Napasku ada padamu
jauh dariku
karena aku ingin
selalu dekat denganmu
aku tak ingin...
tanpa hadirmu
tak ingin kulepaskan
genggamlah erat
aku bersamamu
namun kumemohon..
janganlah menjauhiku dan hanya diam
hati ini apa adanya
adanya cinta itu untukmu
napasku ada padamu
akankah kumati bila tanpamu
jangan kau meminta
tuk menjauhimu
tuk menghindarimu.....
mati saja bila kau meminta itu
aku sadari..
kuterlalu cinta padamu
tapi bila kau pinta menghentikan cinta itu
biarlah ku hidup dan matilah cintaku
untuk selamanya....
tanpa cinta
tanpa cinta lagi
hanyalah padamuuuuuu....
hanyalah padamuuuuuu....
Oh! aku cinta padamu
Ceritanya sederhana, tapi sangat memukau karakternya JEAN dan IRENE. Kedua kebiasaan mereka sangat kental, dan kita akan segera tahu kebiasaan mereka. Sukses peran kedua peran yang mereka bawakan. Yang intinya, cinta butuh pengorbanan, dan tidak ada yang pernah tahu kapan datangnya. Walau terkadang kita sedang disakiti oleh orang yang dikasihi. Tapi, cinta itu memang ada! dont lie what you feel about love!
After watching Casino Royale, totally uninspired and dejected, I decided to go to the Palace Cinema and catch one of the French movies playing there, leftovers from the French Film Festival.
After Tracy's review of Priceless, called Hors de Prix in French, I thought, Why not?, and sat down to another typical French comedy, with Audrey Tautou and Gad Elmaleh at the helm.
In much the same way as Casino Royale was predictable, so was Priceless. The end of the movie is completely transparent from the very start of the film, and you could almost write the script yourself just from the synopsis.
Something was different, though, because Priceless is a thoroughly enjoyable film. Should it be?
It's a typical French comedy - light and breezy, with French humour throughout, shots of elegance and wealth abounding, with the atmosphere that is prevalent in most of the comedies to come from the country.
Here's a poor quality trailer, with english subtitles. A better quality trailer without subtitles is here.
Why did I enjoy it? I'm not sure...perhaps because I'm not French, so their sense of humour feels refreshing and different. The equivalent movie from Hollywood would probably make me dry heave with the horrible dialogue and cheesy romance.
Maybe it's because Tautou and Elmaleh are so comfortable in their roles that it all comes clean on the screen. Maybe because we see so much of Tautou's skin in this film (no, that's not why).
I've never been to France, but these types of movies always make the entire country seem glorious. Perhaps that's the point, to make French movies as an advertisment pour La France. After all, Priceless is nonstop shots of expensive shops, beautiful skylines, clean beaches, beautiful women and delicate spirits drunk in comfortable hotels.
Whatever the reasons, it was on a grey, rainy Sunday evening that I saw this film, and felt washed and refreshed - it's not remarkable, nor memorable, but Priceless does suit it's role... it cheered me up and gave me something to laugh at.
Music Videos - Soulmate
Lyrics: Natasha Bedingfield - Soulmate lyrics
Album: Unknown
Incompatible, it don't matter though
'cos someone's bound to hear my cry
Speak out if you do
You're not easy to find
Is it possible Mr. Loveable
Is already in my life?
Right in front of me
Or maybe you're in disguise
Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
Here we are again, circles never end
How do I find the perfect fit
There's enough for everyone
But I'm still waiting in line
[ Soulmate lyrics found on ]
Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
If there's a soulmate for everyone
Most relationships seem so transitory
They're all good but not the permanent one
Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
If there's a soulmate for everyone
I Wanna Have Your Babies
Music Videos - I Wanna Have Your Babies
Lyrics: Natasha Bedingfield - I Wanna Have Your Babies lyrics
Album: Unknown
happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,
But what if it don't?
What happens in my head stays in my head,
But sometimes it won't.
What if you knew what I was thinking?
Would it make you like "Whoa!"?
I don't wanna risk putting my foot in this
So I keep my mouth closed.
All you hear is
"Uh uh uh uh uh uh"
Gonna button my lips so the truth don't slip
Uh uh uh uh uh uh
Gotta beep out what I really wanna shout
Whoops! Did I say it out loud?
Did you find out? (oow yeah)
I wanna have your babies
You're serious like crazy
I wanna have your babies
I see 'em springing up like daisies
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Some of my feelings keep escaping
So I make it a joke
Nonchalant I keep on faking
So my heart don't get broke
I'm in a big, big, big, big ocean
In a tiny little boat
I'll only put the idea out there
If I know it's gonna float.
All you hear is
"Uh uh uh uh uh uh"
Gonna button my lips so the truth don't slip
Uh uh uh uh uh uh
Gotta beep out what I really wanna shout
Whoops! Did I say it out loud?
Did you find out? (oow yeah)
I wanna have your babies
You're serious like crazy
I wanna have your babies
I see 'em springing up like daisies
[ I Wanna Have Your Babies lyrics found on ]
'Cause in my head there's a slot machine
And I'm betting you're the one in my hopes and dreams
La la la la la, la la la la la la la
La la la la la, la la, la la...
Trust me it'd scare you
If you knew what was going on in my brain
Trust me it'd scare you
That I picked out the church, or the schools or the names
If you knew it was all about you
Every wish, every candle, every coin in the fountain
Trust me it'd scare you
That's why I go, Uh uh uh uh uh, uh uh
Uhm... yeah
All you hear is
"Uh uh uh uh uh uh"
Gonna button my lips so the truth don't slip
Uh uh uh uh uh uh
Gotta beep out what I really wanna shout
Whoops! Did I say it out loud?
Did you find out? (oow yeah)
I wanna have your babies
You're serious like crazy
I wanna have your babies
I see 'em springing up like daisies
All you hear is
"Uh uh uh uh uh uh"
Gonna button my lips so the truth don't slip
Uh uh uh uh uh uh
Gotta beep out what I really wanna shout
Whoops! Did I say it out loud?
Did you find out? (oow yeah)
I wanna have your babies
You're serious like crazy
I wanna have your babies
I see 'em springing up like daisies
There's one, there's another, there's one, oow...
Babies, babies, babies, babies...
I wanna have your babies
I... Yeah yeah ha ha and maybe you'll find out...
Romantic Ideas & Gifts
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7. Engraved Gifts
Lockets, keepsake boxes, frames, candle holders, etc. :
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Every Second Beat
I could never name them all,
The reasons that I love you,
For the list would be too tall.
I love you for the melody,
I hear within your voice.
The way your blue eyes hold me,
A captive, but by choice.
I love you for your gentle hands,
That melt away my pain.
I love you for your loving heart,
That made mine beat again.
I love you for your loving smile,
With which my old heart soars.
These are some of the reasons,
Every second beat is yours.
- Mark Liverance -
StepMOM ***
Anna and Ben, the two children of Jackie and Luke, have to cope with the fact that their parents divorced and that there is a new woman in their father's life: Isabel, a successful photographer. She does her best to treat the kids in a way that makes them still feel at home when being with their dad, but also loves her work and does not plan to give it up. But Jackie, a full-time mother, regards Isabel's efforts as offensively insufficient. She can't understand that work can be important to her as well as the kids. The conflict between them is deepened by the sudden diagnose of cancer, which might may be deadly for Jackie. They all have to learn a little in order to grow together. Written by Julian Reischl {}
keep walking on the line
dont turn back anymore
just take as you can
im with u
personal PSTku juga hilang
software dan tool sudah dicoba
Waktu Untukmu
selalu ada waktu untukmu
aku tak bosan untuk itu
kalau kau mau cerita,.... aku dengarkan
katakan itu biru dan biarkan itu biru
jujurmu selalu kutunggu
tapi apa yang telah kuharapkan hanya membenci diriku sendiri
seperti opini yang menyakitkan hati, biarlah.... sudahlah.....
harapanku tak sedikit, aku sudah lelah dan apakah waktu akan berpihak kepadaku?
mataku basah mengingat untuk hal yang telah lalu
tak kan mudah rapuh bila kita selalu merawatnya
tak kan mudah sirnah bila kita selalu mengingatnya
karena kita itu ada
dan selalu ada antara relung waktu
walau tak mudah untuk dijelaskan
siapa kita dan diantara mereka yang tahu
aku bagianmu dalam hari yang sulit dijelaskan
itulah sahabat sejati yang melekat
Susah Tidur
fluku belum juga hilang
hidungku masih dingin dan gatal
sudah sih aku minum vitamin
tapi, masih belum reda juga
hm, apalagi ya
kucoba pejamkan mata lagi
terbangun lagi
jam 1 pagi saat kulirik ke dinding
terbangun lagi
jam 3 pagi
hm bangun lagi
hm terima telpon pagi dari kamu
kali ini harus kau mengerti
diantara lorong yang penuh bambu
diantara lotong yang sedikit gelap
harusnya engkau sadar dan menyadari itu semua
tapi kamu kadang sedikit lupa
siapa dirimu sesungguhnya
tahukah diantara 3 temen dekatmulah
yang bisa kamu lihat mereka ada dimana....
sekarang langkahmu terusa saja maju
lupakan yang telah terjadi
ini adalah bagian episode hidup
dari tengah kehidupan yang fana ini
sekali lagi, tak mudah menuju kebaikan
karena kebaikan itu susah diingat
hanyalah kebodohan, ketololan yang selalu diingat
semua tetap sama
karena kamu yang meminta
semua tetap ada
kerana kita memang ada
semua telah ada
dan pasti ada, karena takdir...
Menunggu Jawaban DariMU

biarkan ku memilih....
sebuah tanda dengan penuh kepastian
walau aku hanya menjalankan
Kau juga yang menentukan
aku hanya manusia
yang tak sempurna
hanya Dialah yang sempurna
dan padaNyalah kumemohon
aku teruskan
aku jalanlan
moga ini yang akan
kini aku menungguMu
jawaban tanda dariMU
Oh Tuhan,... terserah padaMU
apakah ini maksudMU
kini aku menungguMU
mohon kabulkanlah
aku yang lemah
menunggu maksudMU
menyambut angin lembut yang berhembus
dan selesai hujanpun
disambut pelangi indah
hm,.. terasa sejuk kan?
coba dengarkan suara burung pipit
yang berbang bersama
kesana,... kemari...
riuh bunyinya
hm,... terasa indahkan?
kita masih saja disini
walau kau tak disebelahku
terasa ada yang bisa diajak bicara
melukiskan suasana hari ini
"iya,.. iya" katamu
hm,... rindu dech jadinya
masih musik jazz menemani telinga dari Ipod
aku memejamkan mata
seandainya kau disini
aku rindu
rindu sekali....
bila matahari enggan bersinar
dan mendung menggantikan malam
apapun yang terjadi
walau laut mengering
aku akan selalu mencintaimu
tak akan pernah...
ingkar janji bangau tuk kembali sore
aku telah jatuh dalam cintamu
kau telah membawa hatiku
kan kuitukuti
kemana arahmu pergi
tak hidup aku tanpamu
tak akan pernah..
aku berubah
walau semenit waktu
karena aku tahu
kau pun begitu
kita sama-sama jatuh
tak akan pernah
aku meninggalkanmu
walau semenit waktu
karena aku tahu
betapa besar cintamu
dan akupun begitu...
kepala gw rasa panas...
elo liat dong!
apa yang udah elo lakuin
elo suka?!
enggak nyangka ye?.....
apa seeeeeeeh!
ngerasa enggak seeeeeh
elo enggak jujur.....
gw masih disini....
masih kok
ya masih...
tapi elo kok bokis ke gw
apa sih maunya...
gw orangnya ok aja
tapi bokis... gw enggak suka
kalo bokis ke gw,... jauh aja dech!
gw orangnya maklum banget
tapi bokis,.. sakit hati dech!
enggak ada kata lain
yang ngeBokis ke gw
apa sih!!!!!!!!!...
Ah! basi banget
lupa harinya
tapi aku ingat kok
pertama aku cium bibirmu
hmmm ya...
dapet gratisss hehehe, habis keburu kenyang duluan.
jadi ngenet aja dari luar dengan free wireless dech
Lumayan kecepatannya, hampir sama kalau berada dicafee.
siiiip dech
yang dikira roti itu adalah bunga
ya... :(
kan putih jugakan....
Subject: Kenapa harus Kangen
ketika tawa dibalas duka
ketika sedih dibalas canda
lalu dimana jiwa ini
rasanya tak ada lagi
dan kau masih tersenyum
padahal aku telah terdiam lesu
kau memang tak peduli
"I Miss You"
Gimme a reason
Why I'm feeling so blue
Everytime I close my eyes, all I see is you
Gimme a reason
Why I can't feel my heart
Everytime you leave my side, I just fall apart
And when you're fast asleep, I wonder where you go
Can you tell me, I wanna know
Because I miss you
And this is all I wanna say
I guess I miss you, beautiful
These three words have said it all
You know I miss you
I think about you when you're gone
I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong
I don't need to carry on
Gimme a reason
Why I can't concentrate
The world is turning upside down
Spinning round and round
Gimme a reason
Why I now understand
The beauty and simplicity of everything surrounding me
You got a way of spreading magic everywhere
Anywhere I go, I know you're always there
It sounds ridiculous, but when you leave a room
There's a part of me that just wants to follow you too
Because I miss you
And this is all I wanna say
I guess I miss you, beautiful
These three words have said it all
You know I miss you
I think about you when you're gone
I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong
I don't need to carry on
It's such a hard life in most of the time
I'm just surviving
That's why I want you to know
In the world where sincerity has lost its meaning
You fill my world with so much hope
And I miss you
This is all I wanna say
I guess I miss you, beautiful
These three words have said it all
You know I miss you
I think about you when you're gone
I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong
I don't need to carry on
You know I miss you
And this all I wanna say
I guess I miss you, beautiful
These three words have said it all
You know I miss you
And this is all I wanna do
I know it doesn't sound too cool
But maybe I'm in love with you
You know I miss you
And this all I wanna say
I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong
I don't need to carry on
I just miss you
Yeah, it's true
I miss you, baby
And when you're walking out that door
I know I miss you
You make me wanna ask for more
I just miss you
Yeah, it's true
I miss you, baby
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